
Support the Grange

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Join Left Hand Grange No. 9

Become a member of the oldest active Grange in Colorado.


Member Benefits

The National Grange offers an assortment of member benefits from discounts to insurance. Find out more


Your annual membership helps ensure the State and National Grange organizations remain relevant in supporting rural communities.

Membership in The Grange

Left Hand Grange No. 9 is an active part of the Niwot Community, and part of the enduring rural and small-town tradition. We help preserve the agricultural heritage of the area, and honor the spirit of those who came before us to settle this place.

New members are always welcome and are essential to keeping the Grange a strong and viable part of Niwot.

Join Us!

Become a member of the oldest active Grange in Colorado.

Left Hand Grange No. 9 is an active part of the Niwot Community, and part of the enduring rural and small-town tradition. We help preserve the agricultural heritage of the area, and honor the spirit of those who came before us to settle this place.

New members are always welcome and are essential to keeping the Grange a strong and viable part of Niwot.

Become a member

Simply complete the application form and you will be contacted.

Dues are $50 / per member
Includes 10% discount off of the rental fee of one event rental per year

Various discounts available – please click here to view.

You may also download a PDF copy of the Grange Membership Application.

Please bring your application to a membership meeting, or mail it to:

PO Box 301, Niwot CO 80544